Halmburger, Anna; Baumert, Anna; Schmitt, Manfred
Anger as driving factor of moral courage in comparison to guilt and global mood: A multimethod approachEuropean Journal of Social Psychology. Bd. 45. H. 1. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell 2014 S. 39 - 51
Maier, Jürgen; Halmburger, A.
Ärger, Scham und Vertrauensverlust. Wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf politische Skandale reagieren und was sie fordernThe Inquisitive Mind. Bd. 2014. H. 1. Basel; London. 2014 2
Baumert, Anna; Halmburger, Anna; Schmitt, Manfred
Interventions Against Norm Violations: Dispositional Determinants of Self-Reported and Real Moral CouragePERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN. Bd. 39. H. 8. 2013 S. 1053 - 1068
Halmburger, Anna; Rothmund, Tobias; Schulte, Martin et al.
Psychological reactions to political scandals: Effects on emotions, trust, and the need for punishmentJournal of Political Psychology. Bd. 2. H. 2. Lengerich Pabst Science Publ 2012 S. 30 - 51