Halmburger, Anna; Baumert, Anna; Schmitt, Manfred
Anger as driving factor of moral courage in comparison to guilt and global mood: A multimethod approachEuropean Journal of Social Psychology. Bd. 45. H. 1. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell 2014 S. 39 - 51
Baumert, Anna; Schlösser, Thomas; Schmitt, Manfred
Economic games - Performance-based assessment of fairness and altruismEuropean Journal of Psychological Assessment. Bd. 30. H. 3. Göttingen: Hografe & Huber 2014 S. 178 - 192
Baumert, Anna; Beierlein, Constanze; Schmitt, Manfred et al.
Measuring four perspectives of justice sensitivity with two items eachJournal of Personality Assessment. Bd. 96. H. 4. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2014 S. 380 - 390
Rothmund, Tobias; Baumert, Anna
Shame on Me: Implicit Assessment of Negative Moral Self-Evaluation in Shame-PronenessSOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PERSONALITY SCIENCE. Bd. 5. H. 2. 2014 S. 195 - 202
Rothmund, Tobias; Baumert, Anna; Zinkernagel, Axel
The German "Wutburger": How Justice Sensitivity Accounts for Individual Differences in Political EngagementSOCIAL JUSTICE RESEARCH. Bd. 27. H. 1. 2014 S. 24 - 44
Baumert, Anna; Nazlic, Tanja; Alrich, Katja
Konflikte bearbeiten durch Relativierung von Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen.Konfliktdynamik,. Bd. 3. H. 1. Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger Gmb Klett-Cotta 2013 S. 36 - 43
Baumert, Anna; Halmburger, Anna; Schmitt, Manfred
Interventions Against Norm Violations: Dispositional Determinants of Self-Reported and Real Moral CouragePERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN. Bd. 39. H. 8. 2013 S. 1053 - 1068
Maltese, Simona; Baumert, Anna; Knab, Nadine et al.
Learning to interpret one's own outcome as unjustified amplifies altruistic compensation: a training study.Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology. Bd. 4. Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation 2013 951
Stavrova, Olga; Schlösser, Thomas; Baumert, Anna
Life satisfaction and job-seeking behavior of the unemployed: The effect of individual differences in justice sensitivityApplied Psychology. Bd. 63. H. 4. Oxford [u.a.]: Wiley-Blackwell 2013 S. 643 - 670
Schmitt, Manfred; Gollwitzer, Mario; Baumert, Anna et al.
Proposal of a Nonlinear Interaction of Person and Situation (NIPS) modelFRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. Bd. 4. 2013