Tausch, Anja; Krohne, Heinz Walter
Explicit and implicit assessment of emotional expressivityPresentation at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 20th-25th July 2008. Berlin. 2008
Tausch, Anja
Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen Maßen emotionaler ExpressivitätVortrag auf der 13. Coping Tagung am 7./8. November 2008. Frankfurt a. M.: Goethe-Universität. Frankfurt. 2008
Tausch, Anja; Krohne, Heinz Walter
Poster for the 4th International Conference on „The (Non-)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease“, Tilburg, 22nd-24th October 2007.. Facets of emotional expressivity: an extended model.Tilburg. 2007