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Andreas Lux

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Lux

Hochschule Trier


Lux, Andreas; Hess, J.; Herterich, R.

Business Process Management as Basis for Enterprise Management Systems

IEEE Computer Society Washington (Hrsg). CBI '13 Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 15th Conference on Business Informatics (Wien). Washington D.C. 2013 S. 350 - 355

Lux, Andreas; Hess, J.; Herterich, R.

Towards Enterprise Management Systems – A Generic and Flexible Information Representation Approach

15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Angers/ Frankreich. 2013

Lux, Andreas

Understand Cooperation: An agent´s perspective

Readings in Agents. San Francisco, CA.: Morgan Kaufmann Publ. 1998 S. 471 - 478