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Andreas Baumann

Andreas Baumann

Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern), Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau


Baumann, Andreas; Hausmann, Joachim

Effect of high-energy radiation on the relaxation of residual stresses in polycarbonate and epoxy resin by stress optics

Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Bd. 226. Elsevier 2025 112236

Baumann, Andreas; Duhovic, Miro; Hausmann, Joachim

In Situ Microscopy of Fatigue-Loaded Embedded Transverse Layers of Cross-Ply Laminates: The Role of an Inhomogeneous Fiber Distribution

Journal of Composites Science. Bd. 8. H. 9. MDPI AG 2024 S. 366

Langgemach, Wiebke; Baumann, Andreas; Ehrhardt, Manuela et al.

The strength of uncoated and coated ultra-thin flexible glass under cyclic load

Materials Science. Bd. 11. H. 2. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) 2024 S. 343 - 368

Baumann, Andreas; May, David; Hausmann, Joachim

Characterization of metallic bushings in RTM-made composites by in-situ leak detection under mechanical loading

Composites Part C: Open Access. Bd. 7. Elsevier B.V. 2022 S. 100226

Baumann, Andreas; Hausmann, Joachim

Experimental Investigation of Instabilities on Different Scales in Compressive Fatigue Testing of Composites

Journal of Composites Science. Bd. 5. H. 4. MDPI AG 2021 S. 114

Baumann, Andreas; Hausmann, Joachim

Compression Fatigue Testing Setups for Composites—A Review

Advanced Engineering Materials. Bd. 23. H. 2. Wiley 2020 S. 2000646

Baumann, Andreas; Backe, Sebastian; Hausmann, Joachim

Investigation of the fatigue behavior of thermoplastic composites by load increase tests

Journal of Composite Materials. Bd. 55. H. 4. SAGE Publications 2020 S. 541 - 550