Baumann, Andreas; Hausmann, Joachim
Effect of high-energy radiation on the relaxation of residual stresses in polycarbonate and epoxy resin by stress opticsRadiation Physics and Chemistry. Bd. 226. Elsevier 2025 112236
Baumann, Andreas
Factors controlling damage initiation in fatigue loaded unidirectional composites under the influence of different matrix propertiesKaiserslautern. 2025 (IVW-Schriftenreihe, Bd. 165)
Baumann, Andreas; Duhovic, Miro; Hausmann, Joachim
In Situ Microscopy of Fatigue-Loaded Embedded Transverse Layers of Cross-Ply Laminates: The Role of an Inhomogeneous Fiber DistributionJournal of Composites Science. Bd. 8. H. 9. MDPI AG 2024 S. 366
Langgemach, Wiebke; Baumann, Andreas; Ehrhardt, Manuela et al.
The strength of uncoated and coated ultra-thin flexible glass under cyclic loadMaterials Science. Bd. 11. H. 2. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) 2024 S. 343 - 368
Baumann, Andreas; May, David; Hausmann, Joachim
Characterization of metallic bushings in RTM-made composites by in-situ leak detection under mechanical loadingComposites Part C: Open Access. Bd. 7. Elsevier B.V. 2022 S. 100226
Baumann, Andreas; Hausmann, Joachim
Experimental Investigation of Instabilities on Different Scales in Compressive Fatigue Testing of CompositesJournal of Composites Science. Bd. 5. H. 4. MDPI AG 2021 S. 114
Baumann, Andreas; Hausmann, Joachim
Compression Fatigue Testing Setups for Composites—A ReviewAdvanced Engineering Materials. Bd. 23. H. 2. Wiley 2020 S. 2000646
Baumann, Andreas; Backe, Sebastian; Hausmann, Joachim
Investigation of the fatigue behavior of thermoplastic composites by load increase testsJournal of Composite Materials. Bd. 55. H. 4. SAGE Publications 2020 S. 541 - 550