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Dr. Amirshayan Ahmadian

Institut für Softwaretechnik, Universität Koblenz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan

Model-based privacy by design

Koblenz: Universität Koblenz-Landau 2020

Ramadan, Qusai; Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Jürjens, Jan et al.

Explaining Algorithmic Decisions with respect to Fairness

Jörg Becker; Dmitriy Novikov; Raisa Uskenbaeva; Dmitry M. Nazarov; Olga A. Tsukanova; Judith Barrios Albornoz; Elena Kornyshova; Oscar Pastor; A V. Shchepkin; V. O. Korepanov; D. Fedyanin; V.N. Burkov (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics CBI 2019: 15 - 17 July 2019; Moscow, Russia. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2019 S. 161 - 162 (LNI)

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Strüber, Daniel; Jürjens, Jan

Privacy-enhanced system design modeling based on privacy features

Chih-Cheng Hung; George A. Papadopoulos (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC 2019; Limassol, Cyprus; April 8-12, 2019. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2019 S. 1492 - 1499

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Jürjens, Jan; Strüber, Daniel

Extending model-based privacy analysis for the industrial data space by exploiting privacy level agreements

Hisham M. Haddad;Roger L. Wainwright;Richard Chbeir (Hrsg). Proceeding of the 33rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC 2018: Pau, France; April 9-13, 2018. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2018 S. 1142 - 1149

Ramadan, Qusai; Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Strüber, Daniel et al.

Model-based discrimination analysis: A position paper

Yuriy Brun; Randall Bilof; Brittany Johnson; Alexandra Meliou (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Fairness FairWare 2018; Gothenburg, Sweden; 29. May, 2018. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2018 S. 22 - 28

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Strüber, Daniel; Riediger, Volker et al.

Supporting privacy impact assessment by model-based privacy analysis

Hisham M. Haddad; Roger L. Wainwright; Richard Chbeir (Hrsg). Proceeding of the 33rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC 2018: Pau, France; April 9-13, 2018. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2018 S. 1467 - 1474

Shayan Ahmadian, Amir; Strüber, Daniel; Riediger, Volker et al.

Model-Based Privacy Analysis in Industrial Ecosystems

Anthony Anjorin; Huáscar Espinoza (Hrsg). Modelling Foundations and Applications: 13th European Conference, ECMFA 2017, Held as Part of STAF 2017, Marburg, Germany, July 19-20, 2017, Proceedings. Gorgan: Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 2017 S. 215 - 231 (Programming and Software Engineering ; 10376)

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Peldszus, Sven; Ramadan, Qusai et al.

Model-based Privacy and Security Analysis with CARiSMA

Eric Bodden; Wilhelm Schäfer; Arie van Deursen; Andrea Zisman (Hrsg). Proceeding of the Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering: ESEC/FSE'17; September 4. - 8., 2017; Paderborn, Germany. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2017 S. 989 - 993

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan; Jürjens, Jan

Supporting Model-based Privacy Analysis by Exploiting Privacy Level Agreements

Sébastien Varrette; Pascal Bouvry; Albert Y. Zomaya (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science CloudCom 2016: 12–15 December 2016; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2016 S. 360 - 365

Shayan Ahmadian, Amir; Coerschulte, Fabian; Jürjens, Jan

Supporting the Security Certification and Privacy Level Agreements in the Context of Clouds

Boris Shishkov (Hrsg). Business Modeling and Software Design: 5th International Symposium, BMSD 2015, Milan, Italy, July 6–8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Gorgan: Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 2016 S. 80 - 95 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)