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Institut für fremdsprachliche Philologien (Fach Anglistik)

Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften (RPTU in Landau) / Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Marktstraße 40, 76829 Landau
  • 06341/280-33200
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Kaminski, Annett

Introducing pre-schoolers and first graders to English: Student teachers' insights

Inaugural International ELLRA Conference. Krakow. 2024

Kaminski, Annett

Setting the scene for in-depth learning: Story-based activities around picturebooks in primary EFL

RidEL - Reading for in-depth English Learning Conference. Bodo. 2024

Kaminski, Annett

Teaching-based master dissertations to support reflective practices when using story in early English language learning

Mourão, Sandie; Leslie, Carolyn (Hrsg). Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe. London: Routledge 2024 S. 159 - 174

Kaminski, Annett

Conducting Story-Based Activities in Times of Social Distancing

Stadler-Heer, Sandra; Paran, Amos (Hrsg). Taking Literature and Language Learning Online: New Perspectives on Teaching, Research and Technology. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2022 S. 115 - 136

Polzenhagen, Frank; Hans-Georg, Wolf

Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications

Sadeghpour, Marzieh ; Sharifian, Farzad (Hrsg). Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes. Singapore: Springer Nature 2021 S. 361 - 399 (Cultural Linguistics)

Polzenhagen, Frank

Family Matters: Cultural-linguistic Investigations into the Domain of Family in Indian English

Sadeghpour, Marzieh ; Sharifian, Farzad (Hrsg). Cultural Linguics and World Englishes. Singapore: Springer Singapore 2021 S. 217 - 238 (Cultural Linguistics)

Hansen, Christiane

Fictions of Disaster: Climate Change and the Imaginary in a Framework of Transformative Literacy

Bartosch, Roman (Hrsg). Towards Transformative Literature Pedagogy. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2021 S. 125 - 142 (DiLiKuS - ; 3)

Hansen, Christiane

Robin Hood

Buhr, Christian ; Waltenberger, Michael ; Zegowitz, Bernd (Hrsg). Mittelalter-Rezeption im Musiktheater : Ein stoffgeschichtliches Handbuch. Berlin ; Boston: de Gruyter 2021 S. 110 - 127

Kaminski, Annett

Creating a multimodal and holistic learning experience with Catherine Rayner's Augustus and His Smile

Children’s Literature in English Language Education. Bd. 8. H. 2. 2020 S. 39 - 64