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Mulitlingual practices in teacher education - Eine Explorationsstudie

Laufzeit: ab 04.10.2018


Researchers across the world and across disciplines have requested a shift towards multilingualism in everyday school practices. Despite strong arguments and the existing methods to include multilingualism in regular classroom, these strategies still lack regular implementation. Research in most countries (e.g. Germany, Belgium, France and Greece) reveals that monolingual practices still prevail (Fürstenau 2016; Gkaintartzi et al. 2013; Pulinx/van Avermaet 2015; Young 2017). These practices...Researchers across the world and across disciplines have requested a shift towards multilingualism in everyday school practices. Despite strong arguments and the existing methods to include multilingualism in regular classroom, these strategies still lack regular implementation. Research in most countries (e.g. Germany, Belgium, France and Greece) reveals that monolingual practices still prevail (Fürstenau 2016; Gkaintartzi et al. 2013; Pulinx/van Avermaet 2015; Young 2017). These practices are reinforced by teachers’ monolingual experiences in their own school and professional biographies. Even teachers who grew up multilingual and could help foster a turn toward multilingualism, are prone to engage in monolingual practices (Panagiotopoulou 2017. As schools as institutions and teachers as their actors produce and reproduce monolingual beliefs, the turn should begin on the level of pre-service teacher training.
The project investigates whether and how teacher training can contribute to a multilingual turn and how existing multilingual practices can be used in the process of professionalization. Based on the concept on language policy (Spolsky 2017) and teachers’ role as ideology brokers (Blommaert 2010) the subject is approached from three perspectives: 1. Macro-level of policy making in Higher education, 2. Meso-level of multilingual methodologies in regular teacher courses and 3. Micro-level of individual experiences of multilingual course leaders and course participants.
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  • multilingual turn in education professional development migration-related multilingualism teacher training


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