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Responding, fast and slow: Visual detection and localization performance is unaffected by retrieval

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. Bd. 86. H. 1. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2023 S. 171 - 185

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.3758/s13414-023-02810-5

Volltext über DOI/URN


According to action control theories, responding to a stimulus leads to the binding of the response and stimulus features into an event file. Repeating any component of the latter retrieves previous information, affecting ongoing performance. Based on years of attentional orienting research, recent boundaries of such binding theories have been proposed as binding effects are fully absent in visual detection (e.g., Schöpper et al., 2020, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(4), 2085–2097...According to action control theories, responding to a stimulus leads to the binding of the response and stimulus features into an event file. Repeating any component of the latter retrieves previous information, affecting ongoing performance. Based on years of attentional orienting research, recent boundaries of such binding theories have been proposed as binding effects are fully absent in visual detection (e.g., Schöpper et al., 2020, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(4), 2085–2097) and localization (e.g., Schöpper & Frings, 2022; Visual Cognition, 30(10), 641–658) performance. While this can be attributed to specific task demands, the possibility remains that retrieval of previous event files is hampered in such tasks due to overall fast responding. In the current study we instructed participants to signal the detection (Experiment 1) and location (Experiment 2) of dots orthogonally repeating or changing their nonspatial identity and location. Crucially, the dots were either hard or easy to perceive. As expected, making targets hard to perceive drastically slowed down detection and localization response speed. Importantly, binding effects were absent irrespective of perceptibility. In contrast, discriminating the nonspatial identity of targets (Experiment 3) showed strong binding effects. These results highlight the impact of task-dependence for binding approaches in action control.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Action control
  • Attentional orienting
  • Perception
  • Task demands


Schöpper, Lars-Michael (Autor)


DFG Fachgebiet:

DDC Sachgruppe:

Verknüpfte Personen

Christian Frings

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