PREVENTION LAB 2.0 – e-content lab for psychosocial risks at work prevention. VISIONARY project transference
Laufzeit: 01.10.2011 - 30.09.2013
Partner: ASIMAG (Koordinator, ES), PREVENT (BE), INFOART (BG), ESVUISI (LT)
Förderkennzeichen: 2011-1-ES1-LEO05-35900
Förderung durch: EU Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation
Projektmittel (€): 261546
The PREVENTION LAB 2.0 is a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project approved in 2011 through the European Commission (DG Education and Culture) Lifelong Learning Programme. It will run from October 2011 until September 2013. It is aimed at the elaboration of a Web 2.0 training tool addressed to improve the quality of the training offer regarding the prevention of psychosocial risks at work. Target groups are trainers and experts on psychosocial risks at work, trainers on health and...The PREVENTION LAB 2.0 is a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project approved in 2011 through the European Commission (DG Education and Culture) Lifelong Learning Programme. It will run from October 2011 until September 2013. It is aimed at the elaboration of a Web 2.0 training tool addressed to improve the quality of the training offer regarding the prevention of psychosocial risks at work. Target groups are trainers and experts on psychosocial risks at work, trainers on health and safety at work as well as training institutions. Indirect beneficiaries are workers, employees associations, trade unions, companies, public bodies, public administrations, agencies in charge of health and safety at work as well as experts on ICT applied to training and learning.
The main outcome of PREVENTION LAB 2.0 will be a Web 2.0 platform that will contain a set of useful training and learning resources, collaborative instruments, "knowledge pills", case studies, rooms, library, and access to social networks. The PREVENTION LAB 2.0 consortium will also produce a report on the prevention of psychosocial risk at work. This report will contain an overview of the situation of psychosocial risks prevention at European level, including initiatives, case studies, training resources and other interesting information. The report will be the base to define the VISIONARY transference strategy and design the training platform. Furthermore a Handbook about the usage and exploitation of the learning platform will be produced.
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