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Histomorphology Studies on Elasticity Modulus Effects of Topical Bleaches Under Realistic Treatment Conditions

Laufzeit: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2012



Histomorphology Studies on Elasticity Modulus Effects of Topical Bleaches Under Realistic Treatment Conditions
Baekground: The acute safety of tooth bleaches has been well defined in laboratory and clinical studies. Nevertheless -research still points to several effects of tooth bleaches tooth structure and ultra-structure which warrant further understanding. Foremost amongst these are effects of bleaches on the so called elasticity modulus of teeth -in particular dentin. An elasticity...
Histomorphology Studies on Elasticity Modulus Effects of Topical Bleaches Under Realistic Treatment Conditions
Baekground: The acute safety of tooth bleaches has been well defined in laboratory and clinical studies. Nevertheless -research still points to several effects of tooth bleaches tooth structure and ultra-structure which warrant further understanding. Foremost amongst these are effects of bleaches on the so called elasticity modulus of teeth -in particular dentin. An elasticity modulus, or modulus of elasticity, is the mathematical description of an object or substance's tendency to be deformed elastically (ie., non-permanently) when a force is applied to it The elastic modulus of an object is defined as the slope of its stress-strain curve in the elastic deformation region.
Published studies have suggested that bleaching processes may reduce the modulus of elasticity of exposed dentin. A reduction in EM in dentin would lend teeth toward a number of mechanical risks including fracture, dentin separation from enamel. In published studies on EM effects of bleach, treatment conditions have not included protective actions of saliva, cycIed treatments, timing of treatments consistent with clinical exposures and concentrations of bleach associated with Clinical applications in vivo. lt is suspected that the testing of EM under more realistic conditions of treatment will reveal that bleach is passive toward producing meaningful changes.
Proposed Research: This research will carry out cycling bleaching methodology to tooth crowns in vitro under established 'realistic cycling' conditions including preparatory phase, treatment and recovery periods. Following cycling dentin and enamel will be tested for elasticity modulus under atomic force microscopy under established protocols. Teeth will be studied under standard CLSM, ESEM histo-morphology to verify EM findings.
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