Ergebnisse pro Seite:
2011 - 2014
Importance of perivascular adipose tissue for vascular remodeling processes- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Schäfer
2011 - 2014
EST Study - The effect of platelet inhibitors on endothelial function - a randomized study in patients undergoing coronary angiography.- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ph.D. Tommaso Gori
2010 - 2014
Psychodynamic Motivation and Training Program (PMT)- PD Dr. M Michal,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. ME Beutel,
- Prof. Dr. T Gori,
- Prof. Dr. Dr. P Simon,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. T Münzel,
- Dr. J Wiltink