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Savvidis, S; Scharnbacher, J; Münzel, T et al.

Traumatische Digitalarterienverschlüsse, gleiche Symptomatik bei unterschiedlicher Genese

Vasa-J Vascular Dis. Bd. 35. H. 69. 2006 S. 80-81

Fleck, S; Jäger, H; Zeeb, H

Travel and health status: a survey follow-up study

Eur J Public Health. Bd. 16. H. 1. 2006 S. 96-100

Siebler, J; Galle, PR

Treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

World J Gastroenterol. Bd. 12. H. 14. 2006 S. 2161-7

Wagner, S; Warmuth-Metz, M; Emser, A et al.

Treatment options in childhood pontine gliomas

J Neurooncol. Bd. 79. H. 3. 2006 S. 281-7

Stoffelns, BM

Tumor regression and visual outcome after transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT)

Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. Bd. 223. H. 1. 2006 S. 74 - 80

Herr, W; Huber, C


Schmoll, Höffken, Possinger (Hrsg). Kompendium Internistische Onkologie. Springer-Verlag 2006

Bartsch, O; Ergun, MA; Balci, S et al.

Two complementary recombinant chromosomes 5 in a healthy woman.

Cytogenet Genome Res. Bd. 114. H. 2. 2006 S. 178-82

Ernst, C-P; Brandenbusch, M; Meyer, G et al.

Two year clinical performance of a nanofiller vs a fine-particle hybrid resin composite.

Clin oral investig. Bd. 10. 2006 S. 119-125