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Perner, S; Demichelis, F; Beroukhim, R et al.

TMPRSS2:ERG Fusion-Associated Deletions Provide Insight into the Heterogeneity of Prostate Cancer

Cancer Res. Bd. 66. H. 17. 2006 S. 8337-8341

Holtmann, MH; Franzaring, L; Kiesslich, R et al.

Tonnenkonkremente im Ductus choledochus bei einer 4 Jahre vergessenen, impaktierten Endoprothese

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Vande Vannet, B; Mohebbian, N; Wehrbein, H

Toxicity of used orthodontic archwires assessed by three-dimensional cell culture

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Casola, S; Cattoretti, G; Uyttersprot, N et al.

Tracking germinal center B cells expressing germ-line immunoglobulin gamma1 transcripts by conditional gene targeting.

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Krivstov, AV; Twomey, D; Feng, Z et al.

Transformation from committed progenitor to leukaemia stem cell initiated by MLL-AF9

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Gouveris, H; Victor, A; Mann, W

Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in vestibular neuritis.

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Beutel, ME

Trauer und Depression – aktuelle neurobiologische und therapeutische Zugangswege

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