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EU FP6 Network of Excellence (NMP4-CT-2003-500057 – Nano2Life): A network for bringing NANOtechnologies to life

Laufzeit: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2008



The aim of Nano2Life is to merge existing European expertise and knowledge in the field of nanobiotechnology in order to keep Europe as a competitive partner of the US and Japan and to make it a leader in nanobiotechnology transfer in 4 years time. Nano2Life is tackling fragmentation of European nanobiotech by joining 23 so far unconnected dynamic, highly specialised and competent regions and centres with experience in initiating and running nanobiotech programmes. Nano2Life aims to set the...The aim of Nano2Life is to merge existing European expertise and knowledge in the field of nanobiotechnology in order to keep Europe as a competitive partner of the US and Japan and to make it a leader in nanobiotechnology transfer in 4 years time. Nano2Life is tackling fragmentation of European nanobiotech by joining 23 so far unconnected dynamic, highly specialised and competent regions and centres with experience in initiating and running nanobiotech programmes. Nano2Life aims to set the basis of a virtual European Nanobiotech Institute, focused on the understanding of the nanoscale interface between biological and non biological entities, and its possible application in the area of complex and integrated novel sensor technologies, for health care, pharmaceuticals, environment, security, food safety, etc.
The partners have agreed on a Joint Programme of Activity (JPA) designed:
• To develop joint research projects in 4 major technical platforms : functionalisation, handling, detection, integration of devices
• To elaborate a joint IPR policy with a special focus on SMEs
• To develop novel education and training with special emphasis on the scientific community of the candidate countries
• To build a future common RTD platform with shared facilities, knowledge, methods, electronic communications and integrated management.
Multi media supported communication and dissemination activities will provide thorough education and awareness of the scientific and industrial community outside of Nano2Life and the general public about the impact of nanobiotech on industry and society. This will ensure development of nanobiotech devices, material and services according to the needs of European industry and in agreement with international social and ethical standards, which will support sustainable development of the European economy in this knowledge intensive area.
170 researchers will be integrated during the 48 months duration of the network.
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