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Rohleder, N; Langer, C; Maus, C et al.

Influence of photoperiodic history on clock genes and the circadian pacemaker in the rat retina.

Eur J Neurosci. Bd. 23. 2006 S. 105-111

Leuchtenberger, S; Kummer, MP; Kukar, T et al.

Inhibitors of Rho-kinase modulate amyloid-beta (Abeta) secretion but lack selectivity for Abeta42.

J Neurochem. Bd. 96. H. 2. 2006 S. 355-65

Ashour, M; Edrada, R; Ebel, R et al.

Kahalalide derivatives from the Indian sacoglossan mollusk Elysia grandifolia.

J Nat Prod. Bd. 69. 2006 S. 1547-1553

Quennet, V; Sattler, U; Yaromina, A et al.

Laktat- und Pyruvatkonzentrationen in Xenotransplantaten von humanen Kopf-Hals-Tumorlinien unterschiedlicher Radiosensitivität

Exp Strahlenther Klin Strahlenbiol. Bd. 15. 2006 S. 145-150

Müller, WEG; Kaluzhnaya, OV; Belikov, SI et al.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the siliceous skeleton of the demosponge Lubomirskia baicalensis.

J Struct Biol. Bd. 153. 2006 S. 31-41

Rolke, R; Rolke, S; Vogt, T et al.

Mechanically induced neuropathy in vibration induced vasospastic syndrome

Aktuel Neurol. 2006 S. 1

Treede, RD

Mechanisms of cutaneous hyperalgesia.

J. Olesen, T.S. Jensen (Hrsg). From Basic Pain Mechanisms to Headache. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006