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Aguado, T; Romero, E; Monory, K et al.

The CB1 cannabinoid receptor mediates excitotoxicity-induced neural progenitor proliferation and neurogenesis.

J Biol Chem. Bd. 282. 2007 S. 23892-8

Lutz, B

The endocannabinoid system and extinction learning.

Mol Neurobiol. Bd. 36. H. 1. 2007 S. 92-101

Goetze, K; Scholz, M; Taucher-Scholz, G et al.

The impact of conventional and heavy ion irradiation on tumor cell migration in vitro.

Int J Radiat Biol. Bd. 83. H. 11-12. 2007 S. 889-96

Patwardhan, SV; Shiba, K; Schröder, HC et al.

The interaction of 'silicon' with proteins - Part 2. The role of bioinspired peptide and recombinant proteins in silica polymerisation

Clarson SJ, Fitzgerald JJ, Owen MJ, Smith SD, Van Dyke ME (Hrsg). Science and Technology of Silicones and Silicone-modified Materials. Washington: American Chemical Society 2007

Hüsken, K; Wiesanfahrt, T; Windoffer, R et al.

The intermediate filament IFC-2 is essential for maintaining the shape of the intestinal tube in Caenorhabditis elegans

Eur J Cell Biol. Bd. 86S1. H. 57. 2007 S. 18

Ravnic, DJ; Konerding, MA; Pratt, JP et al.

The murine bronchopulmonary microcirculation in hapten-induced inflammation.

J Thorac Cardiov Sur. Bd. 133. H. 1. 2007 S. 97-103

Wiens, M; Korzhev, M; Perovic-Ottstadt, S et al.

Toll-like receptors are part of the innate immune defense system of sponges (demospongiae: Porifera).

Mol Biol Evol. Bd. 24. 2007 S. 792-804

Vaupel, P

Tumor hypoxia: Characterization and its implications for tumor progression and treatment resistance

Esumi H, Moses HL, Hirohashi S, Miyazono K (Hrsg). Cancer Microenvironments. Tokyo: Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund 2007