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Institut für Kunststofftechnik Westpfalz (IKW)

Hochschule Kaiserslautern

Carl-Schurz-Str. 10-16, 66953 Pirmasens
  • 06331/2483-49
  • 06331/2483-40
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Shaik, Yousuf Pasha; Schuster, Jens; Shaik, Aarif

A Scientific Review on Various Pellet Extruders Used in 3D Printing FDM Processes

Open Access Library Journal. Bd. 8. Scientific Research Publishing 2021 e7698

Schuster, Jens; Vijaybhaskar, N.; Shaik, Y.P.

Design Optimization and Steady-State Analysis of a Wheel Rim

International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development. Bd. 11. H. 2. 2021 S. 41 - 50

Shaik, Yousuf Pasha; Schuster, Jens; Shaik, Aarif et al.

Effect of Autoclave Pressure and Temperature on Consolidation of Layers and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured (FDM) Products with PLA

Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. Bd. 5. H. 4. MDPI AG 2021 114

Pipalla, Raghuram; Schuster, Jens; Shaik, Yousuf Pasha

Experimental Analysis on 3d Printed Onyx Specimens with Honeycomb Infill Structure

Journal of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering. Bd. 1. H. 1. 2021 S. 1 - 10

Shaik, Yousuf Pasha; Narlakanti, Vijay Bhaskar; Schuster, Jens

Study of the tensile and impact energy absorption properties of hybrid bast and basalt fiber composites and the effect of basalt fibers size at the mechanical properties

Research Square: Research Square Platform LLC 2021

Gottmann, Jörg; Vestner, Jochen; Müller, David et al.

Uptake and Release of Aroma Compounds by an Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Rubber Sealing Polymer: Investigating Aroma Carryover in a Model Wine System

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Bd. 69. H. 38. American Chemical Society (ACS) 2021 S. 11382 - 11394

Schuster, Jens

Самоадаптивное демпфирование кроссовок с использованием электроактивных полимеров


Schuster, Jens; Kazmi, S.M.R.; Lutz, J.

Exploring the potential to uniquely manufacture curved VARTM epoxy composites using cost-effective FDM-molds

Open Journal of Composite Materials. Bd. 10. H. 3. 2020 S. 45 - 65

Schuster, Jens; Chen, M.H.; Govignon, Q.

As­sess­ment of adhe­si­ve bond qua­li­ty by using ult­ra­sonic tes­ting com­bi­ned with pat­tern re­cog­ni­ti­on

"The Twen­ty Se­cond In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Compo­site Ma­te­ri­als" (Hrsg). Mel­bourne. 2019

Schuster, Jens; Motsch, N.; Hausmann, J. et al.

Com­pa­ra­ti­ve study on the da­ma­ge to­le­ran­ce of ther­mo­set and ther­moplas­tic glass-fi­ber rein­for­ced plas­tics

"The Twen­ty Se­cond In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Compo­site Ma­te­ri­als" (Hrsg). Mel­bourne. 2019