Institut für Kunststofftechnik Westpfalz (IKW)
Hochschule Kaiserslautern
- 06331/2483-49
- 06331/2483-40
Schuster, J.; Kazmi, S. M. R.; Lutz, J.
Manufacturing and testing of curved fiber composites using vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding (VARTM)The Twentieth International Conference on Composite Materials (Hrsg). ICCM20. Aufl. Aalborg. 2015
Schuster, Jens
Strategies to increase mechanical properties of rotationally moulded partsUniversity of Auckland (Hrsg). Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM). Auckland. 2015
Schuster, J.; Govignon, Q.; Bickerton, S.
Processability of biobased thermoset resinsand flax fibres reinforcements using vacuum assisted resin transfer mouldingOpen Journal of Composite Materials. Bd. 4. 2014 S. 1 - 11
Schuster, Jens
Ultrasonic testing of thin-walled filament-wound CFRP-tubes by means of double-through transmission techniqueThe Ninetienth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM19. Montreal. 2013
Schuster, Jens; Govignon, Q.; Bickerton, S.
Biobased thermoset resinsand flax fibre reinforcements processed by vacuum assisted resin transfer mouldingEleventh Internatinal Conference on Flow Processing in Composite Materials - FPCM11 (Hrsg). Auckland. 2012
Schuster, J.; Duhovic, M.; Bhattacharyya, D.
Manufacturing and Processing of Polymer CompositesBhattacharyya, Debes ; Fakirov, Stoyko (Hrsg). Synthetic Polymer-Polymer Composites. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 2012 S. 1 - 38
Schuster, Jens; Heider, D.; Sharp, K. et al.
Out-of-plane thermal conductivities of three-dimensionally woven fabric compositesNineteenth International Symposium on Processing and Fabricatiuon of Advanced Materials - PFAM19 (Hrsg). Auckland. 2011
Schuster, Jens; Govignon, Q.; Bickerton, S. et al.
Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding with biobased resins and natural fibre reinforcementThe Eighttenth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM18 (Hrsg). Jeju. 2011
Schuster, J.; Seegmüller, S.
Besserer Brandschutz für Flüssigholz (WPC) durch BeschichtungHolz-Zentralblatt. Bd. 136. H. 19. 2010 S. 490
Schuster, Jens
Methodische Konstruktion von FaserverbundbauteilenGAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe. Bd. 63. H. 4. 2010 S. 231 - 235