Examining the validity of dispositional honest-humility concerning socially desirable responding and dishonest behavior
Laufzeit: ab 23.11.2011
At almost all societal levels, cooperation between individuals and groups and honest behavior are vital necessities for successful long-term interaction. Recently, Ashton and Lee suggested that corresponding tendencies are rooted in people’s basic personality. Specifically, lexical studies across many languages have identified a dispositional factor termed honesty-humility (HH) which signifies an individual's cooperativeness and integrity. Repeatedly, this personality factor has been...At almost all societal levels, cooperation between individuals and groups and honest behavior are vital necessities for successful long-term interaction. Recently, Ashton and Lee suggested that corresponding tendencies are rooted in people’s basic personality. Specifically, lexical studies across many languages have identified a dispositional factor termed honesty-humility (HH) which signifies an individual's cooperativeness and integrity. Repeatedly, this personality factor has been negatively linked to different relevant criteria such as crime or other unethical behavior. However, research concerning HH bears two critical limitations, so far. First, HH is, itself, a desirable attribute. Thus, it is conceivable that self-reported values of HH do not actually represent a basic personality dimension but rather the degree to which people avoid presenting themselves in a socially undesirable manner. We address this problem by teasing apart the effects of personality and response tendencies (including answer-faking). Second, investigations of HH have largely used reports of behavior rather than actual behavior as criteria. Therefore, we propose a research program which examines causal relationships with observable behavior in an experimental approach. In sum, we aim to validate HH as a basic personality dimension beyond mere socially desirable responding and intend to connect it experimentally to actual dishonest behavior. » weiterlesen» einklappen
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