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Psychologie (RPTU in Landau)

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau
  • 06341/280-248
  • 06341/280-490
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Schmitt, Manfred; Hofmann, Wilhelm; Geschwendner, Tobias et al.

A model of moderated convergence between direct, indirect, and behavioral measures of personality traits

Ortner, T.; van de Vijver, F. J. R. (Hrsg). Behavior Based Assessment: Going beyond Self Report in the Personality, Affective, Motivation, and Social Domains. Oxford: Hogrefe 2015 S. 29 - 44

Hilbig, Benjamin E.; Moshagen, Morten

A predominance of self-identified Democrats is no evidence of a leftward bias

Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Bd. 38. New York, NY [u.a.]: Cambridge University Press (CUP) 2015 S. 28 - 29

Karbach, Julia; Strobach, Tilo; Schubert, Torsten

Adaptive working-memory training benefits reading, but not mathematics in middle childhood

CHILD NEUROPSYCHOLOGY. Bd. 21. H. 3. 2015 S. 285 - 301

Hamann, Karen R.S.; Reese, Gerhard; Seewald, Daniel et al.

Affixing the theory of normative conduct (to your mailbox): Injunctive and descriptive norms as predictors of anti-ads sticker use

Journal of Environmental Psychology. Bd. 44. Elsevier BV 2015 S. 1 - 9

Rudert, Selma Carolin; Reutner, Leonie; Walker, Mirella et al.

An unscathed past in the face of death: Mortality salience reduces individuals' regrets

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Bd. 58. Elsevier BV 2015 S. 34 - 41

In-Albon, Tina; Schröder, Annette


Lehmstuhl, G.; Resch, F.; Herpertz, S. C. (Hrsg). Psychotherapie des jungen Erwachsenenalters. Basiswissen für die Praxis und störungsspezifische Behandlungsansätze. 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2015 S. 189 - 207

Reis, Dorota; Hoppe, Annekatrin

Change in Affective Well-Being on Change in Perceived Job Characteristics: The Mediating Role of Hope

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Bd. 88. H. 1. Hoboken, NJ [u.a.]: Wiley 2015 S. 19 - 40

Theobald, Maria; Aschersleben, Gisa; Karbach, Julia et al.

Children with disabilities and their families: Evaluation of Stepping Stones Triple P parental training


Hudson, Jennifer L.; Keers, Robert; Roberts, Susanna et al.

Clinical predictors of response to Cognitive Behavior Therapy in pediatric anxiety disorders: the Genes for Treatment (GxT) study

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Bd. 54. H. 6. Kidlington [u.a.]: Elsevier 2015 S. 454 - 463

Karbach, Julia; Küper, Kristina

Cognitive Reserve

Whitbourne, Susan Krauss (Hrsg). The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging, 3 Volume Set. 1. Aufl. Aufl. New York: Wiley-Blackwell 2015 S. 213 - 217