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Psychologie (RPTU in Landau)

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau
  • 06341/280-248
  • 06341/280-490
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Arndt, Charlotte; Lischetzke, Tanja; Crayen, Claudia et al.

The assessment of emotional clarity via response times to emotion items: shedding light on the response process and its relation to emotion regulation strategies

Cognition and Emotion. Bd. 32. H. 3. Informa UK Limited 2017 S. 530 - 548

Brooks, Jack; Trojan, Jörg

The Cutaneous Rabbit Effect: Phenomenology and saltation

Scholarpedia. Bd. 12. H. 12. Scholarpedia 2017 S. 52363

Haberkamp, Anke; Glombiewski, Julia Anna; Schmidt, Filipp et al.

The DIsgust-RelaTed-Images (DIRTI) database: Validation of a novel standardized set of disgust pictures


Berthold, Anne; Reese, Gerhard; Martin, Judith

The effect of red color on perceived self-attractiveness

European Journal of Social Psychology. Bd. 47. H. 5. Wiley 2017 S. 645 - 652

Schult, Janette C.; Steffens, Melanie Caroline

The effects of enactment and intention accessibility on prospective memory performance

Memory & cognition. Bd. 45. H. 4. 2017 S. 625 - 638

Lischetzke, Tanja; Eid, Michael

The Functionality of Emotional Clarity: A Process-Oriented Approach to Understanding the Relation Between Emotional Clarity and Well-Being

Robinson, Michael D. ; Eid, Michael (Hrsg). The Happy Mind: Cognitive Contributions to Well-Being. Cham: Springer International Publishing - Springer 2017 S. 371 - 388

Lüdtke, Janine; Weizenegger, Benedict; Rauber, Rachel et al.

The influence of personality traits and emotional and behavioral problems on repetitive nonsuicidal self-injury in a school sample

Comprehensive Psychiatry. Bd. 74. Elsevier BV 2017 S. 214 - 223

Blum, Gabriela; Schmitt, Manfred

The Nonlinear Interaction of Person and Situation (NIPS) Model and its values for a psychology of situations

Rauthmann, John F.; Sherman, Ryne A.; Funder, David C. (Hrsg). The Oxford Handbook of Psychological Situations. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2017 S. 14 - 24

Rief, Winfried; Glombiewski, Julia Anna

The role of expectations in mental disorders and their treatment

WORLD PSYCHIATRY. Bd. 16. H. 2. 2017 S. 210 - 211

Lischetzke, Tanja; Izydorczyk, David; Hüller, Christina et al.

The topography of the uncanny valley and individuals’ need for structure: A nonlinear mixed effects analysis

Journal of Research in Personality. Bd. 68. Elsevier BV 2017 S. 96 - 113