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Psychologisches Institut

FB 02 - Sozialwissenschaften, Medien und Sport / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Binger Str. 14-16 und Wallstr. 3, 55122 Mainz
  • 06131/39-39185
  • 06131/39-39186
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Oberfeld-Twistel, Daniel

Does a rhythmic context have an effect on perceptual weights in auditory Intensity processing?

Canadian journal of experimental psychology. Bd. 62. H. 1. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Psychological Assoc. 2008 S. 24 - 32

Oberfeld-Twistel, Daniel; Hecht, Heiko

Effects of a moving distractor object on time-to-contact judgments

Journal of experimental psychology-human perception and performance. Bd. 34. H. 3. Washington, DC u.a.: Assoc. 2008 S. 605 - 623

Oberfeld-Twistel, Daniel; Hecht, Heiko

Effects of surface lightness on the perceived height of rooms

International journal of psychology. Bd. 43. H. 3/4. Oxford: Wiley 2008 S. 70

Berti, Stefan

Object switching within working memory is reflected in the human event-related brain potential

Neuroscience letters. Bd. 434. H. 2. 2008 S. 200 - 205

Horvath, Janos; Maess, Burkhard; Berti, Stefan et al.

Primary motor area contribution to attentional reorienting after distraction

Neuroreport. Bd. 19. H. 4. 2008 S. 443 - 446

Oberfeld-Twistel, Daniel

The mid-difference hump in forward-masked intensity discrimination

Journal of the acoustical society of America. Bd. 123. H. 3. Woodberry, NY: American Inst. of Physics 2008 S. 1571 - 1581

Jankowiak, Sylvia; Berti, Stefan

Behavioral and event-related potential distraction effects with regularly occurring auditory deviants.

Psychophysiology. Bd. 44. H. 1. 2007 S. 79 - 85