William Hogarth
Analysen des graphischen Werkes von William Hogarth unter intermed. und poststruktur. Aspekten.
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Bindman, D.; Ogée, F. et al.
- Hogarth: Representing Nature´s Machines
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Bindman, D. et al.
- Hogarthian Frames: The ´New´ 18th Century
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Fort, B. et al.
- Spotting the Symptoms: Hogarthian Bodies as Sites of Semantic Ambiguity, in Bernadette Fort and Angela Rosenthal,eds., The Other Hogarth (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001): 102-120
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Ogée, F.
- The Artist at Work: A (De)constructive View of Hogarth's 'Beer Street'
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Ogée, F.
- The Discourse on Crime in Hogarth's Graphic Works
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Böker, U. et al.
- Die Verbrecherbiographie als Prä/Sub/Kon/Text in W. Hogarths 'Industry & Idleness'
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.
- How to (Mis)Read Hogarth - or Ekphrasis Galore
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Marx, R. et al.
- Repressive Diskurse in der Graphik William Hogarths
- Wagner, Hans-Peter; Wagner, H. - P.; Soupel, S.
- The Continental Foreigner in Hogarth's Graphic Works