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Pain in Biblical Texts and Other Materials of the Ancient Mediterranean

Laufzeit: 21.11.2017 - 01.08.2021

Partner: Prof. Dr. Saul Olyan, Department of Judaic Studies, Brown University, Providence (Rhode Island)

Förderkennzeichen: 2017-01355

Förderung durch: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung

Projektmittel (€): 15.000


The representation of pain in the Hebrew Bible has received little attention from scholars. This collection of essays grow out of a symposium that took place at the University of Koblenz in March 2018. The book will stimulate interest in this challenging and intriguing phenomenon. It includes studies of the representation of both physical and psychological pain, pain's origin and its social and religious functions.

  • Bibel Israel und Nachbarkulturen Schmerz historische Anthropologie theologische Anthropologie



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