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Cognitive Enhancement aus neuropsychiatrischer Sicht im Forschungsverbund

Laufzeit: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2011



This research initiative will focus on the way in which a specific neurotechnology - pharmacological agents used as "cognitive enhancers" - is currently implemented into culture and social practice. While we want to narrowly focus on this specific class of psychoactive substances, we investigate the ethcial problems raised by the rapid development in this area from a number of different angles: This subproject (Project C) operates under a clinical perspective. It asks how medicine...This research initiative will focus on the way in which a specific neurotechnology - pharmacological agents used as "cognitive enhancers" - is currently implemented into culture and social practice. While we want to narrowly focus on this specific class of psychoactive substances, we investigate the ethcial problems raised by the rapid development in this area from a number of different angles: This subproject (Project C) operates under a clinical perspective. It asks how medicine differentiates between normal behavior, deviant behavior and illness, under which circumstances "enhancing normality" may be reasonable, which cognitive enhancers are available and which will be emerging in the next years, which patterns of abuse will arise and how current views of the use of cognitive enhancers are influenced by assumptions concerning the mechanisms of action and health effects of these substances and external influences on the medical decision process - e.g. by the society, the "zeitgeist", the industry, health care organizations etc. The overall objectives are to establish a problem in neuroethics first. If this network is successful, it can serve as a nucleus for a growing scientific cooperation in this field, which could then also the thematically expanded. Capacity building and the training of junior researchers for this new fields are further mid-term aims, which we want to pursue with the help of this project.

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