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Products and Services; from R&D to Final Solutions, SCIYO publishing house, ISBN 978-953-307-211-1

Laufzeit: 12.06.2010 - 31.12.2011

Partner: SWISS GERMAN UNIVERSITY SGU - Asia (Indonesia), BSD, Jakarta. Stanek's 3 co-authors from SGU: a) Maralo Sinaga (Head of Mechatronics) for R&D project "Magic Mathematics ..." b) Arko Djajadi (Head of Research) & Edward Boris P Manurung (Pro Rector SGU) for R&D project "Magic Unit Checks for Physics ..."

Förderung durch: Swiss German University SGU Asia



Introductory PREVIEW of 2 R&D results by Prof. Stanek

PREVIEW + DOWNLOAD of total R&D results:

2 different R&D projects of Prof. Stanek together with 3 co-authors from Swiss German University:

1. Magic Mathematics bases on new Matrix Transformations (2D and 3D) for interdisciplinary Physics,...
Introductory PREVIEW of 2 R&D results by Prof. Stanek

PREVIEW + DOWNLOAD of total R&D results:

2 different R&D projects of Prof. Stanek together with 3 co-authors from Swiss German University:

1. Magic Mathematics bases on new Matrix Transformations (2D and 3D) for interdisciplinary Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Energy Management

2. Magic Unit Checks for Physics and Extended Field Theory based on interdisciplinary Electrodynamics with Applications in Mechatronics and Automation
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  • Mathematics magic matrix matrix transformations physics engineering energy management unit checks extended physics interdisciplinary electrodynamics mechatronics automation


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