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Purification of a cytochrome aa(3) terminal oxidase from protoplast membrane-vesicles of micrococcus-luteus

Fems microbiology letters. Bd. 124. H. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1994 S. 173 - 178

Erscheinungsjahr: 1994

ISBN/ISSN: 0378-1097

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch



A cytochrome aa(3) terminal oxidase was isolated from protoplast membrane vesicles of Micrococcus luteus grown under aerobic conditions. The purified complex showed similarities to cytochrome c oxidase (EC of the electron transport chain of mitochondria and many prokaryotes. The enzyme was solubilized by subsequent treatment with the detergents CHAPS and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside and purified by ion-exchange chromatography using poly-L-lysine agarose and TMAE-fractogel-650 (S) colum...A cytochrome aa(3) terminal oxidase was isolated from protoplast membrane vesicles of Micrococcus luteus grown under aerobic conditions. The purified complex showed similarities to cytochrome c oxidase (EC of the electron transport chain of mitochondria and many prokaryotes. The enzyme was solubilized by subsequent treatment with the detergents CHAPS and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside and purified by ion-exchange chromatography using poly-L-lysine agarose and TMAE-fractogel-650 (S) columns, followed by hydroxyapatite chromatography. The purified complex is composed of two major subunits with apparent molecular masses of 54 and 32 kDa. After purification the isolated enzyme contains 12.1 nmol of heme A (mg protein)(-1) and exhibits absorption maxima at 424 nm and 598 nm in the oxidized state and at 442 nm and 599 nm in the reduced state. The CO-difference spectrum shows peaks at 428 and 590 nm which is indicative of heme a(3), furthermore oxygen consumption was found to be sensitive to cyanide.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Heinz, Gerd (Autor)
Dose, Klaus (Autor)
Nawroth, Thomas (Autor)


DFG Fachgebiet:
Grundlagen der Biologie und Medizin

DDC Sachgruppe:
Biowissenschaften, Biologie