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Study of the energy flow in sulphur and oxygen nucleus collisions at 60-GeV/nucleon and 200-Gev/nucleon

Zeit Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. Bd. 52. H. 2. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 1991 S. 239 - 263

Erscheinungsjahr: 1991

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1007/BF01560442

Volltext über DOI/URN


We report on a systematic study of midrapidity transverse energy production and forward energy flow in interactions of 160 and 32S projectiles with S, Cu, Ag and Au targets at 60 and 200 GeV/nucleon. The vari- ation of the shape of the Er distributions with target and projectile mass can be understood from collision geometry. Average Er values determined for central col- lisions show an increasing stopping power for heavier target nuclei. A higher relative stopping is observed at 60 GeV/nucle...We report on a systematic study of midrapidity transverse energy production and forward energy flow in interactions of 160 and 32S projectiles with S, Cu, Ag and Au targets at 60 and 200 GeV/nucleon. The vari- ation of the shape of the Er distributions with target and projectile mass can be understood from collision geometry. Average Er values determined for central col- lisions show an increasing stopping power for heavier target nuclei. A higher relative stopping is observed at 60 GeV/nucleon than at 200 GeV/nucleon. Bjorken esti- mates of the energy density reach approximately 3 GeV/fm3 in high Er events at 200 GeV/nucleon with 160 and 32Sprojectiles. The systematics of the data and the shapes of Er and pseudorapidity distributions are well described by the Lund model Fritiof.» weiterlesen» einklappen



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