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Rare pediatric tumors in Germany - not as rare as expected: a study based on data from the Bavarian Cancer Registry and the German Childhood Cancer Registry

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS. Bd. 181. H. 7. 2022 S. 2723-2730

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Achajew, Aisana (Autor)
Brecht, Ines B. (Autor)
Radespiel-Troeger, Martin (Autor)
Meyer, Martin (Autor)
Metzler, Markus (Autor)
Bremensdorfer, Claudia (Autor)
Spix, Claudia (Autor)
Erdmann, Friederike (Autor)
Schneider, Dominik T. (Autor)
Abele, Michael (Autor)


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