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Using ecological production functions to link ecological processes to ecosystem services

Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 2016

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Ecological production functions (EPFs) link ecosystems, stressors, and management actions to ecosystem service (ES) production. Though acknowledged as being essential to improve environmental management, relatively little attention has been directed toward the use of EPFs in ecological risk assessment. EPFs may be defined as usable expressions (i.e., models) of the processes by which ecosystems produce ecosystem services, often including external influences on those processes. ...Ecological production functions (EPFs) link ecosystems, stressors, and management actions to ecosystem service (ES) production. Though acknowledged as being essential to improve environmental management, relatively little attention has been directed toward the use of EPFs in ecological risk assessment. EPFs may be defined as usable expressions (i.e., models) of the processes by which ecosystems produce ecosystem services, often including external influences on those processes. We identify key attributes of EPFs and discuss both actual and idealized examples of their use to inform decision-making. Whenever possible, EPFs should estimate final, rather than intermediate, ESs. Although various types of EPFs have been developed, we suggest that EPFs are more useful for decision-making if they quantify ES outcomes, respond to ecosystem condition, respond to stressor levels or management scenarios, reflect ecological complexity, rely on data with broad coverage, have performed well previously, are practical to use, and are open and transparent. In an example using pesticides, we illustrate how EPFs having these attributes could enable the inclusion of ES in ecological risk assessment. The biggest challenges to ES inclusion are limited datasets that are easily adapted for use in modeling EPFs and generally poor understanding of linkages among ecological components and the processes that ultimately deliver the ESs. We conclude by advocating for the incorporation into EPFs of added ecological complexity and greater ability to represent the trade-offs among ESs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved» weiterlesen» einklappen


Bruins, Randall J.F. (Autor)
Canfield, Timothy J. (Autor)
Duke, Clifford (Autor)
Kapustka, Larry (Autor)
Nahlik, Amanda M. (Autor)
Schäfer, Ralf B. (Autor)