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Compound formation at Pd(100)/In interfaces

Hyperfine interactions. Bd. 78. H. 1. Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1993 S. 309 - 314

Erscheinungsjahr: 1993

ISBN/ISSN: 1572-9540 ; 0304-3843

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1007/BF00568153

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PAC spectroscopy has been used to study the compound formation at the Pd(100)/In interface. Indium films of various thicknesses have been deposited onto Pd(100) single crystals. The111In PAC probes are either deposited on the Pd(100) surface before covering it with In or introduced into the In metal before producing the interface. Pd/In compounds with polycrystalline structure of various stoichiometry are identified from the detection of significant electric field gradient tensors after isoch...PAC spectroscopy has been used to study the compound formation at the Pd(100)/In interface. Indium films of various thicknesses have been deposited onto Pd(100) single crystals. The111In PAC probes are either deposited on the Pd(100) surface before covering it with In or introduced into the In metal before producing the interface. Pd/In compounds with polycrystalline structure of various stoichiometry are identified from the detection of significant electric field gradient tensors after isochronal as well as isothemal annealing. In particular we find an ordered structure at the interface directly after In deposition.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Fink, R. (Autor)
Runge, B.-U. (Autor)
Jacobs, K. (Autor)
Krausch, Georg (Autor)
Luckscheiter, B. (Autor)
Platzer, R. (Autor)
Wöhrmann, U. (Autor)
Schatz, G. (Autor)


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