PD Dr. rer. nat. Wolfhard Janke
Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 06131/39-3641
- 06131/39-5441
Janke, W.; Sauer, T.
Multicanonical multigrid Monte Carlo method and effective autocorrelation timeNuclear physics. Bd. 34. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1994 S. 771 - 773
Janke, W.; Landau, D.P.; Mon, K.K. et al.
Recent Developments in Monte Carlo Simulations of First-Order Phase TransitionsLandau, D.P.; Mon, K.K.; Schüttler, H.-B. (Hrsg). Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Physics VII. Berlin: Springer 1994 S. 29-43
Baillie, C.F.; Irbäck, A.; Janke, W. et al.
Scaling in Steiner random surfacesPhysics letters. Bd. 325. H. 1. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. 1994 S. 45 - 50
Janke, Wolfhard; Katoot, Mohammad; Villanova, Ramon
Single-cluster Monte Carlo study of the Ising model on two-dimensional random latticesPhysical review. Bd. 49. H. 14. Melville, NY: AIP 1994 S. 9644 - 9657
Baillie, C.F.; Janke, W.; Johnston, D.A.
Solid on solid on fluid latticesPhysics letters. Bd. 318. H. 3. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. 1994 S. 424 - 432
Janke, W.; Sauer, T.
Test of variational approximation for ø4 quantum chain by Monte Carlo simulationPhysics letters. Bd. 197. H. 4. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. 1994 S. 335 - 340
Holm, C.; Janke, W.
The critical behaviour of Ising spins on 2D Regge latticesPhysics letters. Bd. 335. H. 2. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. 1994 S. 143 - 150
Janke, W.; Katoot, M.; Villanova, R.
Ising model universality for two-dimensional latticesPhysics letters. Bd. 315. H. 3. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. 1993 S. 412 - 416
Janke, W.; Sauer, T.
Path integral Monte Carlo using multigrid techniquesChemical physics letters. Bd. 201. H. 5. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co. 1993 S. 499 - 505
Janke, W.; Kleinert, Hagen; Thoms, Silke
Ground-State Energy of the Anharmonic Oscillator with Cubic Anisotropy from Transformed Perturbation SeriesPhys.Rev. A. Bd. Phys.Rev. A.