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Self-management interventions in the treatment of depressive disorders: ready for clinical practice?


Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.1055/a-0849-9838

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Only about half of those suffering from a depressive disorder seek treatment. Self-management interventions are one way to reduce this treatment gap. These interventions are mostly based on evidence-based techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy, which are taught by a computer program instead of a therapist. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of these interventions. However, these studies also raise a number of questions. These concern the efficacy both in the external rating an...Only about half of those suffering from a depressive disorder seek treatment. Self-management interventions are one way to reduce this treatment gap. These interventions are mostly based on evidence-based techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy, which are taught by a computer program instead of a therapist. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of these interventions. However, these studies also raise a number of questions. These concern the efficacy both in the external rating and in the long-term course and the efficacy in severe depressive symptoms or in combination with antidepressant medication. Finally, the question arises as to the use of these interventions in patients in clinical practice and in people who are not particularly Internet-savvy. We addressed these questions in a large randomized study (EVIDENT study). This study investigated the efficacy of Intervention deprexis (R). The results of this study are summarised in this overview and placed in the context of other interventions available in Germany. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Klein, Jan Philipp (Autor)
Berger, Thomas (Autor)
Hautzinger, Martin (Autor)
Rose, Matthias (Autor)
Spaeth, Christina (Autor)
Schroeder, Johanna (Autor)
Hohagen, Fritz (Autor)
Moritz, Steffen (Autor)

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