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Which Graduates of Vocational Childcare Training and Bachelor Courses Prefer Working in Day-Care Facilities?

FRUHE BILDUNG. Bd. 4. H. 1. 2015 S. 33 - 45

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015

ISBN/ISSN: 2191-9186

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.1026/2191-9186/a000160

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Day-care centers are potential work places for graduates of vocational childcare training and bachelor students of early childhood education with regard to their initial placement. The UFA-study shows that more than half of the interviewed students of vocational schools and about one third of the interviewed academic students are interested in daycare as their field of work. Against the backdrop of social economic perspectives, we investigated the circumstances under which the preference for ...Day-care centers are potential work places for graduates of vocational childcare training and bachelor students of early childhood education with regard to their initial placement. The UFA-study shows that more than half of the interviewed students of vocational schools and about one third of the interviewed academic students are interested in daycare as their field of work. Against the backdrop of social economic perspectives, we investigated the circumstances under which the preference for working in a preschool or kindergarten develops in students already during their training or schooling. A binary logistic regression shows that organizational characteristics, such as the type of educational institution (vocational school or university), have less influence on their preferences than personal characteristics, such as reasons for career choice, personality traits, or educational background. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Fuchs-Rechlin, Kirsten (Autor)

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