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On P-Interpolation in Local Theory Extensions and Applications to the Study of Interpolation in the Description Logics EL, EL+

arXiv. 2023 2307.08843

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Forschungsbericht)

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.48550/arXiv.2307.08843

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We study the problem of P-interpolation, where P is a set of binary predicate symbols, for certain classes of local extensions of a base theory. For computing the P-interpolating terms, we use a hierarchic approach: This allows us to compute the interpolating terms using a method for computing interpolating terms in the base theory. We use these results for proving ≤-interpolation in classes of semilattices with monotone operators; we show, by giving a counterexample, that ≤-interpolation doe...We study the problem of P-interpolation, where P is a set of binary predicate symbols, for certain classes of local extensions of a base theory. For computing the P-interpolating terms, we use a hierarchic approach: This allows us to compute the interpolating terms using a method for computing interpolating terms in the base theory. We use these results for proving ≤-interpolation in classes of semilattices with monotone operators; we show, by giving a counterexample, that ≤-interpolation does not hold if by "shared" symbols we mean just the common symbols. We use these results for the study of ⊑-interpolation in the description logics EL and EL+. (Extended version of the CADE 2023 paper with the same title.)» weiterlesen» einklappen


Thunert, Sebastian (Autor)


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