Prof. Dr. Uwe Tronnier
Fachbereich Informatik und Mikrosystemtechnik, Hochschule Kaiserslautern
- 0631/3724-5316
- 0631/3724-5305
Lemke [], H.U.; Tronnier, U.; Hasenbrink, F. et al.
"Modelleing 3D Geometric Objects in the Extended Cell Enumeration Representation" in Computer Assisted Radiology: Proceedings of the International Symposium, [Berlin 1991] = Computergestützte RadiologieBerlin: Springer 1991
Tronnier, U.; Toennies, K. D.; SPIE, SPIE
The Application of a Discrete-Space Representation to 3-Dimensional Medical ImagingSPIE (Hrsg). Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging V Conference. San Jose, USA. 1991
Arenson, Ronald L.; Friedenberg, Richard M.; Tronnier, Uwe et al.
"An Experimental Environment for True 3D Surgical Planning by Simulation - Methods & First Experimental Results" in S/CAR 90 : Computer applications to assist radiologyCarlsbad, Calif.: Symposia Foundation 1990
Tronnier, U.; Toennies, K. D.
3D Modeling Using an Extended Cell Enumeration RepresentationComputer Graphics and Applications. Bd. Computer Graphics and Applications. Los Alamitos, USA: IEEE 1990
Lemke... [et al.], H.U.; Tronnier, U.; Wolff, K.D. et al.
"A 3-D Surgical Planning System and its Clinical Applications" in Computer Assisted Radiology: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium : CAR '89 Computer Assisted Radiology = Computergestützte Radiologie: Vorträge des 3. Internationalen SymposiumsBerlin: Springer-Verlag 1989