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Prof. Dr. Ulrich Furbach

Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz

Rammsweg 1, Raum: MB 214

  • 0261/287 - 2728
  • 0261/287 - 2731
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Mohammed, Ammar; Furbach, Ulrich

Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling and Verification Using Hybrid Automata

Lars Braubach; Jean-Pierre Briot; John Thangarajah (Hrsg). Programming Multi-Agent Systems: 7th International Workshop, ProMAS 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15, 2009. Revised Selected Papers. Berlin: Springer 2010 S. 49 - 66

Baumgartner, Peter; Furbach, Ulrich; Pelzer, Björn

The Hyper Tableaux Calculus with Equality and an Application to Finite Model Computation

Journal of Logic and Computation. Bd. 20. H. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010 S. 77 - 109

Furbach, Ulrich; Günther, Heiko; Schon, Claudia

A Knowledge Compilation Technique for ALC TBoxes

H. Chad Lane; Hans W. Guesgen (Hrsg). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference: FLAIRS; 19 - 21 May 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press 2009 S. 39 - 44

Furbach, Ulrich

Editorial in Schwerpunktheft Räumliche Mobilität

Künstliche Intelligenz. Bd. 22. H. 3. Bremen: Böttcher IT 2008 S. 1

Furbach, Ulrich

IJCAR Preface

Journal of Automated Reasoning. Bd. 40. H. 2-3. Dordrecht: Springer 2008 S. IJCAR

Furbach, Ulrich; Glöckner, Ingo; Helbig, Hermann et al.

LogAnswer - A Deduction-Based Question Answering System (System Description)

Alessandro Armando; Peter Baumgartner; Gilles Dowek (Hrsg). Automated Reasoning: 4th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2008 Sydney, Australia, August 12-15, 2008 Proceeding. Berlin: Springer 2008 S. 139 - 146

Mohammed, Ammar; Furbach, Ulrich

Modeling Multi-agent Logistic Process System using Hybrid Automata

Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche; Daniel Moldt; Juan C. Augusto (Hrsg). Modelling, simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, MSVVEIS 2008; in conjunction with 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS 2008: Barcelona, Spain; 12 - 13 June, 2008. Setúbal: INSTICC Press 2008 S. 141 - 149

Baumgartner, Peter; Furbach, Ulrich; Gross-Hardt, Margret et al.

Living Book - Deduction, Slicing, and Interaction

Journal of Automated Reasoning. Bd. 32. H. 3. Dordrecht: Springer 2004 S. 259 - 286

Baumgartner, Peter; Furbach, Ulrich

Automated Deduction Techniques for the Management of Personalized Documents

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. Bd. 38. H. 1-3. Dordrecht: Kluwer 2003 S. 211 - 228

Baumgartner, Peter; Furbach, Ulrich; Thomas, Bernd

Model Based Deduction for Knowledge Representation

Bertram Fronhöfer; Steffen Hölldobler (Hrsg). 17. Workshop Logische Programmierung: Technische Universität Dresden, 11. - 13. Dezember 2002. Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Informatik 2003 S. 156 - 166