Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulf Breuer
Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern), Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 0631/2017-101
Neitzel, Manfred; Mitschang, Peter; Breuer, Ulf
Handbuch Verbundwerkstoffe : Werkstoffe, Verarbeitung, Anwendung2., aktualisierte und erw. Aufl. Aufl. München ; Wien: Hanser 2014 554 S.
Noll, Andreas; Friedrich, Klaus; Burkhart, Thomas et al.
Effective multifunctionality of poly(p-phenylene sulfide) nanocomposites filled with different amounts of carbon nanotubes, graphite, and short carbon fibersPolymer Composites. Bd. 34. H. 9. Wiley 2013 S. 1405 - 1412
Hübler, M.; Gurka, Martin; Schmeer, Sebastian et al.
Performance range of SMA actuator wires and SMA–FRP structure in terms of manufacturing, modeling and actuationSmart Materials and Structures. Bd. 22. H. 9. IOP Publishing 2013 S. 94002
Hübler, Moritz; Nissle, Sebastian; Gurka, Martin et al.
Smart Crash Management by Switching the Crash Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Energy Absorbers With Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) WiresVolume 1: Development and Characterization of Multifunctional Materials; Modeling, Simulation and Control of Adaptive Systems; Integrated System Design and Implementation. Snowbird: American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2013
Gurka, Martin; Hübler, Moritz; Schmeer, Sebastian et al.
Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (ASME 2012). Load-Initiated Two-Way Effect of Shape Memory Alloys in Composite Structures and a Phenomenological Modelling ApproachVolume 1: Development and Characterization of Multifunctional Materials; Modeling, Simulation and Control of Adaptive Systems; Structural Health Monitoring. Stone Mountain: American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2012
Breuer, Ulf; Ostgathe, M.; Neitzel, M.
Manufacturing of all-thermoplastic sandwich systems by a one-step forming techniquePolymer Composites. Bd. 19. H. 3. Wiley 1998 S. 275 - 279
Breuer, Ulf
Reinforcement of CFRP structures by tailored fibre placementPolymers and Polymer Composites. Bd. 6. H. 8. 1998 S. 499 - 504
Breuer, Ulf Paul
Beitrag zur Umformtechnik gewebeverstärkter ThermoplasteDüsseldorf: VDI-Verl. 1997 123 S. (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure: Fortschrittberichte VDI / Reihe 2, Fertigungstechnik ; Nr. 433)
Neitzel, Manfred; Breuer, Ulf
Die Verarbeitungstechnik der Faser-Kunststoff-VerbundeMünchen: Hanser 1997 191 S. (Studientexte Kunststofftechnik)