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Prof. Dr. Thomas Götz

Mathematisches Institut, Universität Koblenz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Götz, Thomas

Interactions of Fibers and Flow: Asymptotics, Theory and Numerics

Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern 2001

Usha, R.; Götz, Thomas

Spinning of a liquid film from a rotating disc in the presence of a magnetic field-a numerical solution

Acta Mechanica. Bd. 147. H. 1-4. Wien: Springer 2001 S. 137 - 151

Götz, Thomas; Unterreiter, Andreas

Analysis and Numerics of an Integral Equation Model for Slender Bodies in Low Reynolds-Number Flows

Journal of integral equations and applications. Bd. 12. H. 3. Tempe, AZ: The Rocky Mountains Mathematics Consortium 2000 S. 225 - 270

Götz, Thomas

Untersuchungen zur Kopplung von Wärmeleitung und Wäremstrahlung

Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern 1997

Götz, Thomas; Bock, Wolfgang; Rockenfeller, Robert et al.

A two-strain SARS-COV-2 model for Germany - Evidence from a Linearization

Arxiv. S. 1 - 11

Roy, Nityananda; Götz, Thomas; Wiyaja, Karunia Putra et al.

An improved mathematical model for the sedimentation of microplastic particles in a lid-driven cavity with obstacle

ArXiv e-prints. S. 1 - 18

Rockenfeller, Robert; Guenther, Michael; Schmitt, Syn et al.

Comparing different muscle activation dynamics using sensitivity analysis S. 1 - 34

Adamik, Barbara; Bawiec, Marek; Bezborodov, Viktor et al.

Mitigation and herd immunity strategy for COVID-19 is likely to fail

medRxiv. S. 1 - 25