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A simplified model for nonisothermal crystallization of polymers

MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING. Bd. 42. H. 3-4. 2005 S. 353 - 361

Erscheinungsjahr: 2005

ISBN/ISSN: 0895-7177

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.1016/j.mcm.2004.05.011

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Recently, Burger and Capasso [1] derived a coupled system of partial differential equations to describe nonisothermal crystallization of polymers. The system is based on a spatial averaging of the underlying stochastic birth-and-growth process describing the nucleation and growth of single crystals. In the present work, we reconsider the scaling properties of the dimensional system as well as some special one-dimensional models. Moreover, using an appropriate scaling of the original system, w...Recently, Burger and Capasso [1] derived a coupled system of partial differential equations to describe nonisothermal crystallization of polymers. The system is based on a spatial averaging of the underlying stochastic birth-and-growth process describing the nucleation and growth of single crystals. In the present work, we reconsider the scaling properties of the dimensional system as well as some special one-dimensional models. Moreover, using an appropriate scaling of the original system, we derive a simplified model which only consists of a reaction-diffusion equation with memory for the underlying temperature, such that the degree of crystallization can be explicitly given by a time integration of the temperature-dependent growth and nucleation rate. Numerical simulations indicate that the reduced model shows at least qualitatively the same behavior as the original model. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Gotz, T (Autor)
Struckmeier, J (Autor)

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