Novel Path to Apoptosis: Small Transmembrane Pores Created by Staphylococcal Alpha-Toxin in T Lymphocytes Evoke Internucleosomal DNA Degradation
Infection and immunity. IAI ; a publication of the American Society for Microbiology. Bd. 62. H. 4. Washington, DC: Soc. 1994 S. 1304 - 1312
Erscheinungsjahr: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 0019-9567
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Geprüft | Bibliothek |
Jonas, Daniel (Autor)
Walev, Ivan (Autor)
Berger, Thomas (Autor)
Liebetrau, Martin (Autor)
Palmer, Michael (Autor)