Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Wendzel
Zentrum für Technologie und Transfer | ZTT, Hochschule Worms
- 06241/509-213
- 0000-0002-1913-5912
Mileva, Aleksandra; Wendzel, Steffen; Franqueira, Virginia
Proceedings of the 2023 European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference: Stavanger, NorwayEICC. New York: ACM 2023
Schilling, Alexander; Aehle, Max; Alme, Johan et al.
Uncertainty-aware spot rejection rate as quality metric for proton therapy using a digital tracking calorimeterPhysics in Medicine & Biology. Bd. 68. H. 19. IOP Publishing 2023 194001
Zillien, Sebastian; Wendzel, Steffen
Weaknesses of popular and recent covert channel detection methods and a remedyIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Bd. 20. H. 6. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2023 S. 5156 - 5157
Lenz, Julia; Bozakov, Zdravko; Wendzel, Steffen et al.
Why People Replace their Aging Smart Devices: A Push–Pull–Mooring PerspectiveComputers & Security. Bd. 130. Elsevier B.V. 2023 103258
Wendzel, Steffen; Caviglione, Luca; Mazurczyk, Wojciech et al.
A Generic Taxonomy for Steganography MethodsNew York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2022 (TechRxiv)
Szary, Przemyslaw; Mazurczyk, Wojciech; Wendzel, Steffen et al.
Analysis of Reversible Network Covert ChannelsIEEE Access. Bd. 10. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2022 S. 41226 - 41238
Hartmann, Laura; Wendzel, Steffen
Anomaly Detection for Industrial Control Systems Through Totally Integrated Automation Portal Project HistoryJournal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA). Bd. 13. H. 3. Innovative Information Science & Technology Research Group (ISYOU) 2022 S. 4 - 24
Schmidbauer, Tobias; Keller, Jörg; Wendzel, Steffen
Challenging Channels: Encrypted Covert Channels within Challenge-Response AuthenticationProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. New York: ACM 2022 S. 1 - 10 50:1-10
Schmidbauer, Tobias; Wendzel, Steffen
Detection Of Computational Intensive Reversible Covert Channels Based On Packet RuntimeJournal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA). Bd. 13. H. 1. 2022 S. 137 - 166
Wendzel, Steffen; Schmidbauer, Tobias; Zillien, Sebastian et al.
Did You See That? A Covert Channel Exploiting Recent Legitimate TrafficCornell University: arXiv 2022 2212.11850