Engel, Tilman; Kopinski, Stephan; Holzapfel, Constanze et al.
Reliability of Isokinetic Trunk Measurements with and without Perturbation in Young AthletesEuropean Journal of Sports Medicine. Bd. 1. H. Supplement 1. 2013 S. 167
Kopinski, Stephan; Engel, Tilman; Müller, Steffen et al.
Reliability of Postural Control During Stable and Unstable Situations in Young AthletesEuropean Journal of Sports Medicine. Bd. 1. 2013 S. 226
Müller, Steffen; Hotzkow, K.; Müller, J. et al.
Sportartspezifische Maximalkraft der Rumpfflexoren/-extensoren bei NachwuchsathletenDeutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin. Bd. 64. H. 7-8. 2013 S. 208 49
Müller, J.; Müller, Steffen; Hain, G. et al.
Three‐dimensional Spine Kinematics During Unloaded And Loaded One-handed Lifting – A Pilot StudyMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Bd. 45. H. 5S. 2013 S. 145
Engel, Tilman; Mueller, Juliane; Müller, Steffen et al.
Validity and Reliability of a New Customised Split-Belt Treadmill Provoking Unexpected Walking PerturbationsMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Bd. 45. H. 5S. 2013 S. 462
Hain, G.; Müller, Steffen; Müller, Juliane et al.
Countermovement jump force as performance measure in 11-15 year old athletes?Ligament and Tendons Journal. Bd. 3. 2012 S. 27
Baur, Heiner; Hoffmann, Jan; Reichmuth, Anne et al.
Der Einfluss einer Schuheinlage aus Karbonauf die plantare Druckverteilung im RadschuhSportverletzung · Sportschaden. Bd. 26. H. 1. Thieme 2012 S. 12 - 17
Müller, J.; Otto, C.; Weber, J. et al.
Effects of six-month trunk stability exercises on low back pain prevalence in young athletesMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Bd. 44. H. Suplement 5. 2012 S. 636
Appiah-Dwomoh, E.K.; Müller, J.; Müller, Steffen et al.
Influence of different sports on postural control in young athletes – A pilot studyLigament and Tendons Journal. Bd. 3. 2012 S. 50
Cassel, M.; Müller, S.; Carlsohn, A. et al.
Intra- und interobserver Variabilität sonografischer Untersuchungen an Patella- und Achillessehnen / Intra- and interrater Variability of Sonographic Investigations of Patella and Achilles TendonsSportverletzung · Sportschaden. Bd. 26. H. 1. Thieme 2012 S. 21 - 26