Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Rolf-Detlef Treede
FB 04 - Universitätsmedizin, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 06131/39-25715
- 06131/39-25902
- treede@uni-mainz.de
Treede, Rolf-Detlef; Treede, R. D.; Kenshalo, D. R. et al.
The cortical representation of painPain. Bd. Pain. 1999 S. 105-111
Treede, Rolf-Detlef; Treede, R. D.
Transduction and transmission properties of primary nociceptive afferentsRuss J Physiol. Bd. Russ J Physiol. 1999 S. 205-211
Treede, Rolf-Detlef; Ellrich, J.; Treede, R. - D.
Facilitation of the early tibialis anterior withdrawal reflex by painful heat stimuli in humansEuropean Journal of Physiology. Bd. European Journal of Physiology. 1996 S. R55
Treede, Rolf-Detlef; Treede, R. - D.; Stöhr, M. et al.
Funktionsprüfung der nozizeptiven Bahnen durch SEP nach schmerzhaften Laser-HitzereizenStöhr, M.; Dichgans, J.; Buettner, U.W.; Hess, C.W.; Altenmüller, E. (Hrsg). Evozierte Potentiale. Berlin: Springer 1996 S. 655-676
Magerl, W.; Treede, R.-D.
Heat-evoked vasodilatation in human hairy skin: Axon reflexes due to low-level activity of nociceptive afferentsThe journal of physiology. Bd. 497. H. 3. Oxford: Blackwell 1996 S. 837 - 848
Siedenberg, R.; Treede, R.-D.
Laser-evoked potentials: Exogenous and endogenous componentsElectroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Bd. 100. H. 3. Shannon: Elsevier 1996 S. 240 - 249
Hansen, C.; Hopf, H.C.; Treede, R.D.
Paradoxical heat sensation in patients with multiple sclerosis. Evidence for a supraspinal integration of temperature sensationBrain. a journal of neurology. Bd. 119. H. 5. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 1996 S. 1729 - 1736
Treede, Rolf-Detlef; Ellrich, J.; Hopf, H. C. et al.
The R3 component of the blink reflex: normative data and application in spinal lesionsElectroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology. Bd. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology. 1996 S. 350-355
Treede, R.-D.; Kunde, V.
Middle-Latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials After Stimulation of the Radial and Median Nerves: Component Structure and Scalp TopographyJournal of clinical neurophysiology. official publication of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society. Bd. 12. H. 3. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1995 S. 291 - 301
Treede, Rolf-Detlef; Magerl, Walter
Modern Concepts of Pain and Hyperalgesia: Beyond the Polymodal C-NociceptorNews in physiological sciences. an international journal of physiology prod. jointly by the International Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society. Bd. 10. Bethesda, Md.: International Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society 1995 S. 216 - 227