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Linking insecticide contamination and population response in an agricultural stream


Erscheinungsjahr: 1999

ISBN/ISSN: 0730-7268

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.1897/1551-5028(1999)018<1948:LICAPR>2.3.CO;2

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The study aims to evaluate the impact of insecticides associated with rainfall-induced surface runoff from arable land on macroinvertebrate populations. These effects of insecticides were distinguished from the hydraulic stress also associated with surface runoff. Transient increase in discharge and insecticide contamination (maximum 6 mu g/L parathion-ethyl in stream water, 302 mu g/L fenvalerate in suspended particulates) was observed in a headwater stream subsequent to surface runoff from ...The study aims to evaluate the impact of insecticides associated with rainfall-induced surface runoff from arable land on macroinvertebrate populations. These effects of insecticides were distinguished from the hydraulic stress also associated with surface runoff. Transient increase in discharge and insecticide contamination (maximum 6 mu g/L parathion-ethyl in stream water, 302 mu g/L fenvalerate in suspended particulates) was observed in a headwater stream subsequent to surface runoff from arable land. In the aquatic macroinvertebrate community, eight of the eleven abundant species disappeared, and the remaining three were reduced significantly in abundance following the insecticide-contaminated runoff. Recovery within 6 months was observed for four species and recovery within 11 months for nine species. Two species remained at a low population density for over a year. The effects of insecticides were distinguished from other parameters, such as hydraulic stress associated with surface runoff, as well. The causal connection between insecticide contamination and biological response was established by eliminating increased hydraulic stress during surface runoff using in-parallel bypass microcosms containing the dominant species Gammarus pulex and Limnephilus lunatus. The mortality of these species was similar to that of the same species in the stream. Additional microcosms, disconnected from the stream during runoff events, served as a control. Thus, the toxic potential of the runoff water is considered to be responsible for the observed effect on the macroinvertebrates. It is concluded that agricultural insecticide input may alter the dynamics of macroinvertebrate communities in streams. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Liess, M (Autor)

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