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Nonlinearities based inverse approach for the characterisation of the damage evaluation process in very high cycle fatigued CFRP specimens

The Seventh International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue - VHCF7. 2017 S. 1 - 8

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Publikationstyp: Diverses

Sprache: Deutsch



This paper focuses on the aspect on how damage evolution processes in composite materials and structures including matrix fracture, delamination, fibre-matrix debond-ing, and fibre fracture can be detected by taking advantage of the material's inherit mechanical properties. These properties can be described on the basis of non-linear mechanical phenomena measurable as an inert frequency response signal. The approach is proposed as a means for residual life structural assessment specifically i...This paper focuses on the aspect on how damage evolution processes in composite materials and structures including matrix fracture, delamination, fibre-matrix debond-ing, and fibre fracture can be detected by taking advantage of the material's inherit mechanical properties. These properties can be described on the basis of non-linear mechanical phenomena measurable as an inert frequency response signal. The approach is proposed as a means for residual life structural assessment specifically in the context of VHCF.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Boller, C. (Autor)
Mueller, B. R. (Autor)
Heckel, T. (Autor)
Gohlke, D. (Autor)
Venkat, R. S. (Autor)
Bruno, G. (Autor)


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