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Integration of Non-Destructive Evaluation based Ultrasonic Simulation (INDEUS): A Means for Simulation in SHM

Bilbao. 2016

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016

Publikationstyp: Diverses

Sprache: Deutsch



Simulation has become an unavoidable prerequisite in engineering and science today. In non-destructive evaluation (NDE) simulation has gained highest importance with re-spect to determining the probability of detection (POD) of an inspection method. POD in NDE is optimised in a way that the best sensor positions as well as sensor tracking paths are found through simulation. In NDE a sensor can be moved around the component to be inspected until a full capture of the component is achieved. How...Simulation has become an unavoidable prerequisite in engineering and science today. In non-destructive evaluation (NDE) simulation has gained highest importance with re-spect to determining the probability of detection (POD) of an inspection method. POD in NDE is optimised in a way that the best sensor positions as well as sensor tracking paths are found through simulation. In NDE a sensor can be moved around the component to be inspected until a full capture of the component is achieved. However, with structural health monitoring (SHM) no movement of the transducers may be possible in case those become an integral part of the component considered. Hence simulation becomes even more essential in the case of SHM. Within the Indo-German project INDEUS a first attempt is made in establishing an NDE-based simulation platform that can also be used for SHM purposes. This platform looks at different tools allowing ultrasonic as well as guided waves to be simulated and how those can be linked to operational loads and fatigue life evaluation processes. A major objective along the project is to provide simulation tools that are able to operate close to real time even for big and complex structures made from isotropic and anisotropic ma-terials. This requires hybrid simulation tools to be used that will look at the details around the specific locations of interest using tools such as based on spectral FEM on the one side while in the remaining locations on the other side approximation procedures such as ray tracing may be sufficient to be used. The paper to be presented will give an insight into the INDEUS project briefly describing the concept of the simulation platform, the different simulation tools involved, the re-quirements and options for further extension and the different test cases applied for validation so far with the target to simulate complex structures such as bridges, aircraft components and others made of metallic and polymer-based composite materials. Re-sults obtained from the simulation platform established within the INDEUS project will be related to detecting probability of damage for a given loading condition and struc-ture, the propagation of guided waves due to damage in a complex metallic component and the determination of an optimum transducer network allowing a tolerable damage to be detected by an SHM system reliably.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Boller, Christian (Autor)
Mahapatra, Debiprosad R. (Autor)
Venkat, Ramanan S. (Autor)
Ravi, Nitin B. (Autor)
Chakraborty, Nibir (Autor)
Steckel, Mirko (Autor)
Krishnamurthy, Dwarakanath (Autor)


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