Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Michael Stubbs
Anglistik, Universität Trier
- 0651/201-2277
- 0651/201-3928
Stubbs, Michael
Eine Sprache idiomatisch sprechen: Computer, Korpora, Kommunikative Kompetenz und KulturMattheier, K. J. (Hrsg). Norm und Variation. Frankfurt: Peter Lang 1997 S. 151 - 167
Stubbs, Michael
Language and the mediation of experience: linguistic representation and cognitive orientationCoulmas, Florian (Hrsg). Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell 1997 S. 358 - 373
Stubbs, Michael
Whorf´s children: critical comments on critical discourse analysisWray, A.; Ryan, A. (Hrsg). Evolving Models of Language. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters 1997 S. 100 - 116
Stubbs, Michael
Collocations and Cultural Connotations of Common WordsLinguistics and education. international research journal. Bd. 7. H. 4. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science 1995 S. 379 - 390
Stubbs, Michael
Collocations and semantic profiles: on the cause of the trouble with quantitative studiesFunctions of Language. Bd. 2, 1. 1995 S. 23 - 55
Stubbs, Michael
Corpus evidence for norms of lexical collocationCook, G.; Seidlhofer, B. (Hrsg). Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1995 S. 245 - 256
Stubbs, Michael
Grammar, text, and ideology: Computer-assisted methods in the linguistics of representationApplied linguistics. Bd. 15. H. 2. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 1994 S. 201 - 223
Stubbs, Michael; Gerbig, Andrea
Human and inhuman geography: On the computer-assisted analysis of long texts.Hoey, M. (Hrsg). Data, Description, Discourse. London: HarperCollins 1993 S. 64 - 85
Stubbs, Michael
The state of English in the English state: reflections on the Cox Report.Language and Education. Bd. 3, 4. 1989 S. 235 - 250
Stubbs, Michael
Educational Linguistics.Oxford: Blackwell 1986 286 S.