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Viscoelasticity of pore-spanning polymer membranes derived from giant polymersomes

Soft Matter. Bd. 6. H. 11. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2010 S. 2508

Erscheinungsjahr: 2010

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1039/b924650a

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We show how the viscoelastic properties of membranes formed from poly(butadiene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PB130-b-PEO66) block copolymers can be locally accessed by atomic force microscopy. Polymer membranes are spread on microstructured porous silicon substrates from PB130-b-PEO66 vesicles by decreasing the osmotic pressure of the solution. Local viscoelastic properties of the pore-spanning polymer membranes were obtained from site-specific indentation experiments. Elastic moduli of these...We show how the viscoelastic properties of membranes formed from poly(butadiene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PB130-b-PEO66) block copolymers can be locally accessed by atomic force microscopy. Polymer membranes are spread on microstructured porous silicon substrates from PB130-b-PEO66 vesicles by decreasing the osmotic pressure of the solution. Local viscoelastic properties of the pore-spanning polymer membranes were obtained from site-specific indentation experiments. Elastic moduli of these membranes were in the order of few MPa, while the elastic moduli of cross-linked membranes considerably increased to few GPa. Furthermore, the energy dissipation and velocity dependence of the hysteresis between indentation and relaxation were quantified and compared with a modified Kelvin–Voigt model. Relaxation times were in the order of hundreds of milliseconds explaining why the stiffness of the membrane increases with increasing indentation velocity.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • viscoelastic properties
  • poly(butadiene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide)
  • microstructured porous silicon
  • cross-linked membranes


Kocun, Marta (Autor)
Mueller, Waltraut (Autor)
Mey, Ingo (Autor)
Geil, Burkhard (Autor)
Steinem, Claudia (Autor)
Janshoff, Andreas (Autor)


DDC Sachgruppe:
Allgemeines, Wissenschaft

Verknüpfte Personen

Michael Maskos